Yomou : Une jeune fille enceinte violée et tuée par son compagnon

Yomou : Une jeune fille enceinte violée et tuée par son compagnon

The events allegedly took place last Monday in a field in Kpaghaye, a village located more than 8 kilometers from the urban commune of Yomou. However, it was this Wednesday, August 21, 2024 that the body of the victim, Cécile Haba, was found at the scene. The alleged perpetrator of this murder, Rémy Maomou, is on the run.

According to information gathered by Guineematin.com, Rémy and Cécile were a couple. They lived together in the girl's family and seemed to get along perfectly. The girl, aged about 16, was even 4 or 5 months pregnant.

However, on the morning of Monday, August 19, 2024, the two went together to a field to extract palm oil. Since then, they have never returned home. Apparently, it was during their stay in the field that Cécile Haba was attacked by Rémy Maomou. Unfortunately, the poor girl died on the spot. Her body, completely naked, was discovered this Wednesday in an advanced state of decomposition in this field. A forensic doctor who went to the scene revealed that the victim had also been raped.

Asked about this tragedy, Théophile Doualamou, the head of the Kpaghaye sector, described the circumstances in which Cécile Haba's body was found.

"Yesterday, Tuesday, August 20, 2024, we were working as a group when I was called by one of my fellow citizens telling me that since the young girl Cécile Haba went to the field with her companion, they have not returned. We immediately stopped work and returned to the village. We started looking for her. It was only this morning that she was found dead. And we alerted the authorities," he explained.

For her part, Marie Gbilimou, the victim's mother, is devastated by this tragedy.

"Je suis vraiment surprise de voir que c’est ma fille qui a été tuée. Cécile était avec ce jeune homme, et tous deux étaient en très bon termes, ils s'amusaient beaucoup ensemble. Ils ont quitté ma maison en plaisantant. Mais une fois partis, ils ne sont jamais revenus. Je ne sais pas ce qui s'est réellement passé, je ne sais pas quoi dire," a-t-elle déclaré.

Aux dernières nouvelles, Rémy Maomou est toujours en fuite. Cependant, une recherche a été lancée pour tenter de le retrouver.